Are you exercising at the best time? Find out here…

Often I’m asked this question, by a number of people, whether it’s men or women and they say, “Lillian, I’m trying to lose weight, trying to get fitter, when is the best time to exercise?”

There is no hard or fast rule to say that you must exercise first thing in the morning, during the day time or in the evening or at night. Obviously, it depends on your lifestyle, work routine and when you can fit in your exercise workout.

I normally ask people, when is the best time you feel energised or feel awake?

You could be a morning person, in which case, do your workouts in the morning. You could be an afternoon person, you come alive in the afternoon, so do your workouts then if you can. Maybe you’re a night owl and you prefer to workout in the evening.

However, there are some principles you do need to build in when you’re exercising during the day.

For example, when you workout in the morning, like I’m a morning person, I prefer to do my workouts in the morning; you’ve got to make sure you have something substantial to fuel you. So, be it a smoothie or a banana and some yogurt or some nuts – something that will fuel your body and give you the energy you need to do a good workout.

If you workout in the afternoon, make sure you have a good snack or a good lunch before you go on to exercise. If you’re a night owl, make sure you exercise at least two hours before going to bed. If you exercise any closer towards your bed time, it’s likely that your cortisol and adrenaline hormones will be elevated, and you’ll find you’ll have problems going to sleep.

So, find the appropriate time that is right for you and exercise then.

  • Find your best time, check in with your bio-rhythm – are you alert and energised more in the morning, in the afternoon or in the evening?
  • Find a time in your lifestyle you can complete your exercises, match the two together and that will be the right time for you to exercise.

If you need further help with your health, exercise or eating, get in touch with the Fit Temple Team.