Before doing the Fit Temple – Body Fit classes, my fitness was not great. I used to go to the gym regularly about 7 years ago, but since having children I have not made time for my health and fitness. I have a fairly healthy diet, but I have a sweet tooth and really enjoy cakes and biscuits.
During the programme I really enjoyed the health clinics, being intentional about what and how to prepare meals, not just for me, but also for my family. I also see how I can incorporate exercise in my daily life, like doing squats while cooking and walking swiftly up escalators, rather than standing.
The Fit Temple – Body Fit programme was brilliant! I enjoyed EVERYTHING! I loved that no two weeks were the same and I really love the balance that the health clinics brought. It’s not just about the physical exercise, but the programme also got me thinking about what I was eating and drinking. It was very holistic and such amazing value for money. I liked the encouragement and the growth work we were given after every class – that was so helpful.

My stamina has definitely improved, I can feel strength in my arms and my core is better. I can now walk quickly up the escalators at the tube station and be more measured in the sweet things I consume. I found it beneficial to be in a community with the other ladies and develop closer friendships.
I intend to continue exercising as part of my weekly routine.”